Minecraft Old’s Slugs Mod

Wanna Explore the Interconnected caverns and the inhabitants of the location? Minecraft Old’s Slugs mod is the expansion that allows players to spawn unique plus cute creatures called Slugs, each having unique powers and abilities to fight and shoot. Get special gameplay fighting against these cutest creatures and explore the Slugterra.

Minecraft Old's Slugs Mod

Bringing Slugterra World Inhabitants into Minecraft

Minecraft is undoubtedly a popular creative game that allows players to craft, survive and explore the dimensions and biomes. In addition to these features of Minecraft, developers have created a mod called Minecraft Old’s Slugs that brings the creatures from the place called “Slugterra”, a place that is under the surface of the Earth covered with caves. The inhabitants of this place are called Slugs and they look cute in appearance.

Minecraft players can now spawn these creatures in Minecraft survival worlds and interact with them adding this mod. So, download the mod now from our website to get a new fighting experience. Also check out Minecraft Keys & Crates Mod.

Slug Creatures

Minecraft Old’s Slugs mod adds unique creatures called Slugs into Minecraft gratis from the popular TV series. You can spawn the Slugs of different types in your survival worlds from the inventory. There are a total of 11 slugs added by the mod, each having a unique name, features, powers, moves and abilities. You can fight against enemies with the help of their shooting powers. Each slug is small in size but their speed is fast. You can call them the cutest mobs in Minecraft. Each mob is in its tube in the inventory before spawning. So, spawn them in your survival worlds and get cute interactions with them.

Slug Creatures
slug 2
slug 3
Slug Creatures
Minecraft Old's Slugs Mod
Minecraft Old's Slugs Mod
Minecraft Old's Slugs Mod
Minecraft Old's Slugs Mod
Minecraft Old's Slugs Mod
Minecraft Old's Slugs Mod


Minecraft slugs are present in the tubes for ease in carrying in the inventory. To spawn the old slugs in the Minecraft gameplay, you have to buy them from the seller who loves trading and selling the Old slugs tubes. Get yourself with coins to buy your favorite slug types and spawn them in your survival world. Moreover, you can also buy Shadow Communicator for giving instructions to Slugs.



Finally to conclude the article, we can say that Minecraft Old’s Slugs brings an old environment with the cutest creatures having special features. Meet unique creatures, do heavy battles and experience a new adventurous gameplay adding this Minecraft mod into your Minecraft APK.


Does the mod add new mobs into Minecraft?

Yes, the mod adds new mobs into Minecraft.

Where can I download the mod?

You can download the mod from our website.

Can I run this mod in a multiplayer mode?

Yes, you can run this mod in a multiplayer mode.

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