Minecraft Keys & Crates Mod

Bring more chest loots and loot resources into Minecraft survival worlds adding the item-centric Minecraft Keys & Crates mod. Add special crates of different types full of unusual loot and treasures, find them in the overworld and unlock adventurously using keys. Use keys to get crate mysteries while fighting, traveling or surviving.

Minecraft Keys & Crates Mod

Adding Mysterious Crate Loot into Minecraft 

Minecraft is a special creative game that holds a unique blocky gameplay allowing players to survive and craft beautifully using different resources. What if resources become harder to spawn in the survival worlds? The Minecraft Keys & Crates mod adds a special gameplay offering players with crates with loot and treasures. So, let’s dive deeper into the mod features to know more about the gameplay.

Crates & Keys

The Keys & Crates mod added special locked crate boxes that look like the treasure boxes holding best of loot including golden apples, swords, books and other materials. Each crate has a specific color and a specific key to unlock. For example: unlocking the diamond crate needs a diamond crate key. Besides locked crates, the mod also added some unlocked crates holding better items. With having special crates and keys, enjoy play this mod in your Minecraft download versions and editions easily. Don’t forget to miss out Minecraft Flan’s Mod.

Iron Crate

Minecraft Keys & Crates Mod

Copper Crate

Minecraft Keys & Crates Mod

Gold Crate


Diamond Crate 


Special Mobs

The Minecraft Keys & Crates mod adds new mobs into Minecraft that are passive in nature. You can interact with the passive mobs and easily do trading with them. The main character mob added by the mod is Crates Trader. He trades the crate boxes with villagers and doesn’t attack on entities.



Get high tier to low tier items as loot in the specific crates added by the Minecraft keys & crates mod easily. Players can find unusual treasure boxes anywhere in the world and enhance their crafting and surviving skills using loot resources. Download the mod now to access all these features from our website.


Does the mod add new mobs into Minecraft?

Yes, the mod adds new mobs into Minecraft.

Can I run this mod in a multiplayer mode?

Yes, you can run this mod in a multiplayer mode.

What does each crate box holds?

Crates holds different items including weapons and food.

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