Minecraft Manhunt Mod

Minecraft manhunt mod is the most played game that has two player characters including Hunters and Speedrunner. This mod uses a compass to track the Speedrunner used by the hunters. This Minecraft mod has a unique gameplay than other games. You have to either run endlessly or escape endlessly in this manhunt mod. Minecraft supports different mini games and mods for the players to experience different storylines. You can create different worlds and buildings in different Minecraft mods for free. Crafting and creating is the feature of this amazing game.

Minecraft Manhunt Mod

Explore unlimited maps and worlds and create anything you want from simple homes to castles. There are hundreds of items present in this stunning game for crafting and creating. Start playing Minecraft gameplay with the basic survival mode to learn how to survive till the end. Download the Minecraft game from our website of every edition for free and enjoy your journey as a mine crafter.

Manhunt Mod

Minecraft manhunt mod apk is the best running and hunting game available for the players. Players can enjoy playing the game as a hunter or a Speedrunner. Both are the lead characters of the game. As a hunter, you have to escape from the Speedrunner with the help of a compass that is provided by the default Minecraft manhunt game. This compass basically shows the location of Speedrunner. There are 3 Speedrunner present against one hunter in one block of Minecraft, but you can add more than 3 Speedrunner and Hunters for free.

Manhunt Mod

As a Speedrunner, you have to kill all the hunters to win the game. Hunter can attack on the players in Minecraft manhunt gameplay. Players will receive a timeperiord of 60 seconds after being killed. Players of this game will also get 30 seconds for changing dimensions. As compared to Speedrunner, hunters have more abilities like tools, armors or potions.

Don’t forget to check out Minecraft MrCrayfish’s Furniture Mod.

Minecraft Manhunt – Speedrunner

Speedrunners are the players who run in the game to catch and kill the hunters. As a runner, you have to start your game far away from the hunters. Hunters can be anywhere in the game and you have to kill them by using different irons. Set traps for Hunters near a nether portal for winning the game.

Minecraft Manhunt – Hunter

There are many Hunters present in the gameplay. You can assign a team having more than one hunter. Hunters are present everywhere in the gameplay. As a hunter, your main goal is to kill runners. You have a chance of respawning even after getting killed by a runner. Hunters have advantage of a compass for locating runners.

Minecraft Manhunt Mod Best Servers

To play an amazing manhunt mod of Minecraft gameplay, there are different servers available to access. The top 10 best servers present for playing manhunt are listed below.
  1. Purple Prison
  2. MC Manhunt
  3. Tumbleweed
  4. RelayMC
  5. OneBlock MC
  6. BrutalPrison
  7. Veroxus
  8. PlayCY ManHunt
  9. Dark Hardcore
  10. Plasmere Network – Supports 1.19

These are different Minecraft manhunt servers present in the Minecraft game for the players. Players can easily access the game using IP’s of any of these servers for free.

Manhunt Mod Commands

Manhunt mod is a widely played mod across the world. You can experience the game either as a Hunter or a Speedrunner.

Minecraft supports different manhunt mod gameplay commands for the players to play accordingly. You can add or remove the speedrunners and hunters with different commands.

  1. /compass
  2. /speedrunner list
  3. /speedrunner add <target>
  4. /speedrunner remove <target>
  5. /m hunter
  6. /m prey
  7. /m spectate

These are different commands that Minecraft game supports to the players for manhunt gameplay.

Manhunt Mod Seeds For Java & Bedrock Edition

In Minecraft gameplay, players can find different mods and worlds. These mods are accessible through some seeds. Minecraft has amazing seeds of manhunt game with different features like best spawn conditions, loot opportunities, specific roots. The best seed codes for manhunt gameplay that are supported by Minecraft Java and Minecraft Bedrock editions are listed below.
  1. -8272096027667337428
  2. 3718008342849175333
  3. -2019283747
  4. 6332276367529012205
  5. 4369632385069928371
  6. 5171135490219886018
  7. -4634986947366562646

Start playing Minecraft manhunt mod gameplay for free with these best seeds.

Tips & Tricks For Hunter

Hunting is quite easier than speed running in manhunt Minecraft gameplay. To become the best hunter in the game and to easily escape from the runners you have to follow some tips & tricks as a hunter to win the game.

  1. Set nether portal traps for runners.
  2. Hide your beds from runners because beds act as respawn points.
  3. Protect your armors and spare tools by not leaving them on the floor.
  4. Take a water bucket with you always.
  5. Always bring extra resources with yourself for killing runners.

Tips & Tricks For Speedrunner

Speedrunner are the strongest players in the manhunt gameplay. You have to stay alive and try to kill many hunters. For winning a game as a Speedrunner, you have to follow some tips and tricks to kill hunters and the ender dragon.
  1. Keep moving until you kill all the hunters
  2. Practice parkour tricks and techniques for jumping in case hunters find you.
  3. Set traps for hunters by placing lava around a nether portal.
  4. Use boats whenever possible for better running through lavas.
  5. Always avoid using clutching because a wrong clutch can end your run soon.


Is it safe to play Minecraft manhunt mod?

Yes, Minecraft manhunt mod is completely safe and secure for the players to play.

Does Minecraft manhunt game support more than two hunters?

Yes, more than two hunters are present in Minecraft manhunt mod gameplay.

What is the command to initiate the Minecraft manhunt game?

 “/m start game” is the command to start the manhunt game in Minecraft gameplay.

What is the command to understand the basic rules of the manhunt game?

Players can understand basic rules of manhunt gameplay using the “/m rules” command.

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