Minecraft Wood House

Minecraft allows players to build wooden houses of different styles. You can build your own creative Minecraft wood house in the most played replay mod. Build a beautiful wooden house using different wooden blocks and other materials. In this article, we have provided a detailed guide on how to build a mini wooden house in Minecraft in your survival or creative mode.

Minecraft Wood House

Step by Step Guide on Building Wooden House

Minecraft has endless possibilities for crafting and building in different modes and versions. You can easily build a beautiful wooden house that could be perfect for your survival plus protection.

For building this wooden house in Minecraft, you have to use “Faithful” texture pack, BSL Shaders 8.0. Building it is very simple and you will quickly build an astonishing wooden house by following the steps given below. Also check out Minecraft Survival Farmhouse.

Step 1: Create Foundation

In the first step of building a wooden house, you have to create a foundation/base of your house. Create two bases for your house one of having dimensions 13×15 blocks and the other of having dimensions 9×10.

Build pillars on all the corners and middle of the second base 5x log blocks.

Minecraft Wood House

Step 2: Connect Pillars

In the second step, connect all the pillars with each other.

Step 2: Connect Pillars

Step 3: Fill the Floor

In the third step, fill the floor of your wooden house with oak planks.

Step 3: Fill the Floor

Step 4: Place Oak Leaves

In the fourth step, place oak leaves on the corners of all sides and build surroundings between the oak leaves using oak planks and oak slab as shown in the picture below.

Step 4: Place Oak Leaves

Step 5: Add Spruce Fence

Now in this step, add a spruce fence on all sides of the house.

Step 5: Add Spruce Fence

Step 6: Build Walls

Now build walls of your house using oak planks leaving gap for windows and door.

Step 6: Build Walls

Step 7: Build a Roof

In this step, build a roof of your house using spruce and oak stairs as shown in the picture below. Then add a spruce fence on the second floor of your house and its floor.

Step 7: Build a Roof

Step 8: Build Front Part

Now build the front part of your house using a spruce fence and brown carpet.

Step 8: Build Front Part

Step 9: Add Windows and Door

Once done building the front part of your house, add windows (glass pane) and a door(spruce door) on the front side.

Step 9: Add Windows and Door

Step 10: Add Lanterns

Now add lanterns on all sides of the house for lights.

Minecraft Wood House

Step 11: Build Chimney

Moreover build a chimney for your wooden house using campfire and any block you want.

Minecraft Wood House

Final Words

In the final words, we want to say that the steps we have provided of Minecraft wood house in this article are one of the necessary steps to build a wooden house but you can another decorations and build some extra part according to your personal preferences. To modify the house, you can add furniture to your house. So happy Constructing.

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